Enhancing Workforce Train...
Enhancing Workforce Training with Augmented Reality

Enhancing Workforce Training with Augmented Reality

Posted byVedat
workforce training with augmented reality

Nowadays, with the revolution that is happening in industries of different types, there is also the need for new training programs that can equip the workforce to work in the new environment. Experts from various industries already faced the rapid emergence of new technologies that can increase engagement and effectiveness. One of these technologies is Augmented Reality (AR) which is an alternative technology for training programs. Augmented Reality is providing highly efficient solutions. To start from corporate training in areas to hands-on learning in sectors such as manufacturing and healthcare. Day by day there are numerous use cases of implementing this technology.

Let’s take a step closer to Augmented Reality training. In addition, let’s have a detailed look at the many benefits that this technology offers.

ar technology for workforce training


Augmented Reality by integrating into smart glasses enables employees to receive instruction in real-time. At the same time enables them to practice their gained knowledge safely and with free hands. Dates and instructions received in real-time make it possible to increase the trained and specialized workforce. This also eliminates the need to look for a more qualified workforce while saving time and costs.


Complex technical tasks to be performed by field workers can be unusual and incomprehensible. At this moment connection through remote support with expert is most needed. The Remote Support through Augmented Reality allows the sharing of files such as pdf, images, and 3D objects. In addition, it makes a great contribution in enriching this distant collaboration. Remote support is based on the “See what I see” principle. This is what makes it possible to have a more trained and skilled workforce.


Augmented Reality is not valid for training only the current workforce. Also, new employees through this technology have the opportunity to receive all the specific information needed to perform new tasks. Everything makes it possible to accelerate as much as possible the adaptation process of these workers to the new work environment and tasks.

In summary, Augmented Reality is an excellent opportunity to improve the training and specialization of the workforce. VSight Remote already is providing the feature for training large groups. VSight Remote offers unique capabilities to engage the workforce with digital information around them. The peculiarity lies in the fact that during this type of training up to 3000 people can participate in the same session. An expert who is also the host of the admin panel is able to lead the sessions. Effective collaboration is also enabled by the so-called raise hand feature. This feature enables the workforce to respond to ambiguities that may encounter during the training.

Training with VSight Remote enhances opportunities for proper learning and provides an improved training experience. Now by VSight Remote you can give your employees a safe learning environment. In this environment, they can take risks without affecting customers or the business.

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