Augmented Reality Improvi...
Augmented Reality Improving Customer Experience

Augmented Reality Improving Customer Experience

Posted byVedat
augmented reality customer experience

Augmented Reality (AR), this innovative technology that in recent years has received a great boost in development is now being used more and more to improve customer experience and support. This technology, which is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where objects residing in the real world are enhanced by perceptual information, is revolutionizing customer service in many industries. Many businesses now, thanks to this technology, interact with consumers quickly and effectively.

Let us look in detail at some of the different ways Augmented Reality involves in customer experience. Additionally, how this affects businesses while guaranteeing them plenty of benefits.

Real-time Maintenance & Repairing Instructions

The empowerment of remote assistance through AR technology drastically improves the interactions between customer service agents and clients. Thanks to AR-based Remote Support, we have the eliminated of delays and misunderstandings. Visual assistance allows agents to provide detailed maintenance and repair instructions for various products. In this way, through this remote support, clients are able to perceive the instructions given accurately. This leads to quick maintenance and repairs of products they may have purchased. Also, this reduces the time and costs that shipping a product may take to get it to the repair center. Since clients need support for maintenance and repairs even after the purchase. This provides at the same time positive feedback from them. Also, this turns them into a brand trust relationship and increases its popularity in the market.

ar for customer service and better experience

Simplified Purchase Decisions

AR thanks to its ability to visualize various objects is already close to buyers. Additionally helps them evaluate and examine a product before buying it. Through various AR-based applications, they have real-time access to the products they have an interest in buying. In this way, they are getting every necessary detail about desired products. This technology avoids the numerous gatherings in the showrooms where the presentation of the product happens. This new virtual way is replacing the traditional way of presenting products. All this, despite the fact that it facilitates buyers’ decision-making to buy different products, at the same time, saves them extra time and cost to visit the showrooms.

Training Customer Service Agents

In any type of business, customer service remains a key link in the smooth running of processes. These processes are mainly related to the transfer of products and services to the buyer. Moreover, the process of providing a service to customers is very important. The importance of it shows even after the purchase of a certain product, in the case of defects or repairs. So, training for customer service agents is necessary for accurate service. Already through AR remote assistance experts are able to train their agents making them achieve a satisfactory level of expertise.

Through AR Remote Assistance groups of agents are trained simultaneously by presenting themselves with different products in a virtual way. In the future, they will be able to recognize these products and provide solutions in case of possible occurred issues. 3D models of the products help agents to convey all the knowledge effectively without the need for different papers. In this way, companies are able to train agents located around the globe at the same time. Additionally eliminates the many extra costs that traditional training may have required.

ar for customer service and better experience

Self Service Support

We can consider it as a radical change also providing assistance to customers in the form of AR-based self-service. The peculiarity of this is that already in this way the customer service agents can be totally replaced. All this is possible by using an AR-based app, and in this way, customers can have real-time access to various information related to the product, including FAQs, and materials that can provide solutions to various problems and questions. This AR-based self-service support makes it possible to reduce the time spent responding to customer requests but at the same time the cost of paying multiple customer service agents. In this way, the satisfaction of the clients increases significantly by finding in real-time the answers to their problems.

To conclude, nowadays the interaction between businesses and clients has great importance. This technology shows its role by bringing radical changes in the way of communication realization. Numerous businesses have adopted AR in their pre-sale, point-of-sale, and after-sales support operations. This technology is a great solution to offer customers real-time support but also an unforgettable experience. As mentioned above, the impact of this technology is affecting every business operating in different fields. There are many premises for further development in the coming years. Also, this is one of the main reasons to consider for the adoption of this technology.

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